Monthly Archives: June 2024

Time to stop being a victim.

Stop Being A Victim

Stop being a victim. We have more power than society wants us to believe. Many don’t realize being a victim is a choice, but it is. Choosing to be a victim allows us to play small, and not go after our dreams. It allows us to blame everyone else but ourselves for our position in the world. When we let go of being a victim, the whole world opens up to us. Nothing is out of our reach, nothing is impossible. Here is what being a victim costs you, and how to put it behind you for good!


The road of progression not perfection.

Progression Not Perfection

As a recovering perfectionist, I need to constantly remind myself that I’m on the road of progression not perfection. What does that even mean? That means that my goal is not perfection, but progressing towards being the best that I can be. This new perspective takes all the pressure off, as it allows me to work on being 1% better or closer to my goal than I was yesterday. I realize that this is a totally new concept to most perfectionists out there, so allow me to elaborate further on why this minor change in perspective can make all the difference.


strict female teacher with book pointing at scribbled blackboard

How Important Is Intelligence?

How important is intelligence? Obviously intelligence is important, but it’s how you use that intelligence that’s the defining factor. Just because you don’t get straight A’s doesn’t mean you aren’t smart. You may have a different form of intelligence, or learning style then your peers. You may be a genius, but if you put others down thinking that makes you better than them, you have proven that you are not smart at all. Here are some other ways that intelligence can shine through!


Probiotics and how they can help you.

The Importance of Probiotics

The importance of probiotics can not be understated. Probiotics help balance out the micro biome of the gut that is so important for good health. Our bodies contain trillions of microorganisms that can both help and hurt the body. Having a healthy balance between the good and bad microbes is essential for a healthy body. Here is why you should make them a part of your healthy lifestyle.
