Monthly Archives: July 2024

Tips for the flu. Ice cubes made from water, Gatorade, and Ginger Tea, plus Nux Vomica

Tips For The Flu

Since you can last 3 weeks without food, but only 3 days without water, it is paramount to keep hydrated when you have the flu. Here are some tips to beating the flu.


Panda and Cotton protecting each other.

What Love, Compassion, and Patience can do.

What can Love, Compassion, and Patience do? Love, compassion, and patience can do just about anything! Our beloved cats Panda and Cotton are great examples of this. They beat the odds of farm life, and have most likely outlived all of their litter mates. They are our joy and delight. Here is their story which I hope helps you see…


Child dealing with overwhelm

Tips For Overcoming Overwhelm

Here are some tips for overcoming overwhelm from someone who knows: me. I have had a long history with anxiety and depression, and sometimes they like to come back and remind me how far I’ve come. Today has been one of those days, so I wanted to share with you some of the things I do to get back in control when overwhelm starts me spiralling downwards.
