Managing Fibromyalgia (FM) flareups feels like stepping back into the sunshine again! When the pain becomes unbearable, we need tools to bring the pain under control again. It never ceases to amaze me how much pain I’m willing to live with if it makes life easier! Mercifully, none of my family members have chronic illness or the food sensitivities that I do. It’s challenging to make separate meals for myself and for my family. I have realized though, that this is now essential to my health and productivity. Here are my 5 tips for getting my FM under control, and I know they will help you too.
What is friendship to you? Friendship means different things to different people, and there are many different categories of friends. A quick Google search describes categories of anywhere from 4 to 14 different kinds! I think I’ll stick to the simplest list of 4 types: Acquaintances, Casual friends, Close friends, and Intimate or lifelong friends. Although each category has different expectations attached to them, it’s important to be able to recognize the behaviour of a true friend, and one who is not.