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What's the point? photo of woman showing frustrations on her face

What’s The Point?

Ever woken up wondering “what’s the point?” This happened to me today, and here is why journaling was so important to turn the day around.


woman jumped from the cliff

Leaping Outside Your Comfort Zone

Leaping out of your comfort zone is not always an easy thing to do, but it’s how we learn and grow. By going beyond our comfort zones, we discover who we truly are and what we can accomplish in this world. The last few years have really forced me to step out of my comfort zone, and experience the exhilarating feeling of proving what I can do! Here are a few of the things I’ve done in the past few years, and how it has transformed my life!


Self Publishing With KDP

KDP publishing allows you to self publish the book that’s been on your heart. I have just self published my first book using KDP publishing, and it wasn’t as easy as I thought it would be. As much as I wanted to give up, I persevered and kept reformatting it until it was accepted. Here are some tips from what I’ve learned from using KDP publishing.


Our Trip to the Calgary Zoo was so much fun!!!

Our Trip To The Calgary Zoo

Our trip to the Calgary Zoo this week was so much fun! Our homeschooling association planned the trip, so we got up extra early and drove the 3 hours to get to the zoo. It was so worth it!!! We realized we hadn’t been there since 2018! We were excited to see the new polar bear exhibit, and visit some of our old favourites. Come join us as we tour the Calgary Zoo!


Managing Fibromyalgia Flareups feels like this woman enjoying the sunshine while standing in sunflower field.

Managing Fibromyalgia Flareups

Managing Fibromyalgia (FM) flareups feels like stepping back into the sunshine again! When the pain becomes unbearable, we need tools to bring the pain under control again. It never ceases to amaze me how much pain I’m willing to live with if it makes life easier! Mercifully, none of my family members have chronic illness or the food sensitivities that I do. It’s challenging to make separate meals for myself and for my family. I have realized though, that this is now essential to my health and productivity. Here are my 5 tips for getting my FM under control, and I know they will help you too.


What is Friendship? Here are some friends spending time together.

What Is Friendship?

What is friendship to you? Friendship means different things to different people, and there are many different categories of friends. A quick Google search describes categories of anywhere from 4 to 14 different kinds! I think I’ll stick to the simplest list of 4 types: Acquaintances, Casual friends, Close friends, and Intimate or lifelong friends. Although each category has different expectations attached to them, it’s important to be able to recognize the behaviour of a true friend, and one who is not.


Healthy Breakfast Tips

Healthy Breakfast Tips

Healthy breakfast tips made a huge difference for managing my Fibromyalgia. I was shocked to find out what a huge difference the food I ate made to my FM flareups. Here are my healthy breakfast tips to get the day off to a great start!


Treat Eczema At Home

Treating Eczema At Home

Treating eczema from home can be quite successful when you use the right products. When my son developed an out-of-control rash, we were stunned as to what to do next. We weren’t sure what had caused the rash, so we tried a lot of different options before we found what worked. Here is how we got my son’s eczema under control.


The Joys of Home-Schooling

The Joys of Home-schooling

The joys of home-schooling cannot be underestimated! I have home-schooled my kids since my daughter was in grade 2 and my son in kindergarten. Hard to believe it’s been 9 years so far! This will be my last year as my son’s academic teacher as he will be going online for grades 10-12. As daunting as it seemed at first, it’s actually been more fun than you can imagine. It’s been amazing watching them develop a love for learning, and discovering their own unique learning styles. If you’ve been considering home-schooling your children, here are some reasons why you should go for it!!!


silhouette photography of jump shot of two persons

Bouncing Back From Burnout

Bouncing back from burnout is not an easy thing to do, but it is possible. After weeks of going full tilt, my body crashed and said enough!!! I’ve been paying the price for the past few days, and still trying to get back into the grove again. Here are some tips for becoming productive again after burnout strikes. You can…
