Unlocking Creativity for me, has been like a champagne cork being shot across the room! I have always been a creative person, but my bout with depression shut down that creativity. The last 4 years have been a long journey in releasing my creativity from the bottle it was contained in. I’m not sure where in my brain it was locked up in, but unlocking it again feels like I’m entering a whole new world! Here are some steps you can take for unlocking creativity in your life!
Knowing your purpose can be something that many struggle with. The meaning of life has long been the subject of countless books, moves, and magazine articles. So how do you figure out what your purpose is before you hit 80? With some focused journaling and time with God, it’s not that hard to figure out. Here is how you can figure out your purpose, and start building the life of your dreams.
Here are some tips for overcoming overwhelm from someone who knows: me. I have had a long history with anxiety and depression, and sometimes they like to come back and remind me how far I’ve come. Today has been one of those days, so I wanted to share with you some of the things I do to get back in control when overwhelm starts me spiralling downwards.
Stop being a victim. We have more power than society wants us to believe. Many don’t realize being a victim is a choice, but it is. Choosing to be a victim allows us to play small, and not go after our dreams. It allows us to blame everyone else but ourselves for our position in the world. When we let go of being a victim, the whole world opens up to us. Nothing is out of our reach, nothing is impossible. Here is what being a victim costs you, and how to put it behind you for good!
As a recovering perfectionist, I need to constantly remind myself that I’m on the road of progression not perfection. What does that even mean? That means that my goal is not perfection, but progressing towards being the best that I can be. This new perspective takes all the pressure off, as it allows me to work on being 1% better or closer to my goal than I was yesterday. I realize that this is a totally new concept to most perfectionists out there, so allow me to elaborate further on why this minor change in perspective can make all the difference.
How important is intelligence? Obviously intelligence is important, but it’s how you use that intelligence that’s the defining factor. Just because you don’t get straight A’s doesn’t mean you aren’t smart. You may have a different form of intelligence, or learning style then your peers. You may be a genius, but if you put others down thinking that makes you better than them, you have proven that you are not smart at all. Here are some other ways that intelligence can shine through!