Anxiety for a Christian is very different than it is for everyone else. Christians are supposed to be perfect, so the guilt and shame associated with it is intense. The amount of times I was told that I had no business being depressed or having anxiety would blow your mind! I was told that if I was a better Christian I wouldn’t feel that way. That if I simply put my faith in Jesus it would all disappear. None of those things were true.
That’s why I love this video with Natalie Grant. She perfectly explains exactly what it’s like to be a Christian with anxiety and depression. My story was different from hers, as mine didn’t emerge from post-partum depression. I have always battled with anxiety and depression, even as a child. Over the years I fought hard to stay in control. Most of the time I win; others times I don’t. I am very happy to say that with Jesus’ help I have overcome my depression. My anxiety is still something I need to be vigilant about.
What Christians with Anxiety need:
What Christians with anxiety need is compassion and understanding. We know that the bible says “do not fear” over 365 times, but knowing and doing are very different things. Mine was magnified by the feeling of being judged by those around me; especially church members. Once I realized that the only opinions that mattered were God’s and mine, everything started to change. It truly doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks. Knowing that I am a child of God and He loves me unconditionally made all the difference.
Moreover, He gave His children to me and my husband to raise; no one else. Therefore no one else gets a say in how we raise our children or our lives. Don’t get me wrong, we are simply law abiding citizens with Christian values. We just don’t allow the opinions of others to get in our way anymore.
What I loved most:
What I loved most about this interview is her raw honesty. Her description of panic attacks that can effect your whole body is so on point. My hands don’t go into fists like hers do, instead I want to run away as fast as I can. My throat and chest feel like they are closing up and I’m going to suffocate if I can’t get away. I have literally fled many places, (malls, churches, restaurants) because of this. Now if these feelings come up I repeat this mantra in my head or type it into the notes section of my phone:
“They are only people, they aren’t going to hurt me.”
Her boldness in speaking out about it is so brave and courageous! Watching the video was cathartic for me. I just kept saying “yes, yes, exactly!” as I watched it with my family, tears rolling down my face. They were stunned at my response, and so was I! I have written about my anxiety before, but to see it so real and raw convinced me that I had to share this video.
Even as a child I thought if anyone knew what was going on inside me, I would be locked up. It was amazing to see that someone as successful, (and obviously living God’s plan for her life) felt the same way I did! Having children is a huge responsibility. In the judgemental society we live in, it’s understandable that our anxiety levels would rise. Knowing that we don’t have to struggle in silence, and that it’s OK to talk about this, has taken a huge weight off my shoulders.
Key things I’ve learned:
“Okay sometimes I’m gonna panic. It doesn’t mean that I don’t love Jesus, and it for sure doesn’t mean that He doesn’t love me.” – Natalie Grant
I absolutely love this statement!!! This is the crux of what it is to be a Christian with anxiety. This is the affirmation that I needed to hear, and will be sharing with others. It’s because I know that Jesus loves me, is with me through the anxiety attacks, and will always be there for me that gets me through.
The concept that broke through my depression was the idea that when I say “I’m not good enough, no one loves me, I’m useless.”, I’m actually calling God a liar. We are God’s masterpiece and the Bible affirms this. He loves us so much, He sent His only son to die for our sins so we can spend all eternity with Him!!!
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. – John 3:16
God created us because He couldn’t imagine eternity without us! I know God doesn’t lie, and the fact that Jesus died for me is enough to know that I am of infinite worth, and so are you! Don’t let the enemy tell you any different, because one thing is for sure: satan is a liar!
Accepting that God doesn’t lie helped me re-frame all the negative thoughts I had about myself. I took those thoughts and looked at them through God’s eyes and opinion of me. It was then that I could recognize all my good qualities and focus on using them to help others. POOF – depression gone. No matter what life throws at me, I know Jesus is in my corner and with His help I can do anything!
In conclusion:
Anxiety for a Christian is not fun, but it is manageable when you start talking about it. I hope you found Natalie’s courageous talk as inspiring as I did. If you’ve never experienced anxiety or depression yourself, I hope this provides you with insights on how to help others that have. Don’t judge them, just remind them how precious they are to God and they are His masterpiece. Let them know they aren’t alone, and share this video with them. Let’s let our God given lights shine, not allow the enemy to blow them out!
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