The Benefits of a Life Coach.
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The Benefits Of A Life Coach

The benefits of a life coach are beyond measure. If you’ve ever wondered what a life coach was, and if they could help you, you have come to the right place! This article will help you understand what a life coach does, and whether it’s time for you to find one to work with.

What a Life Coach Does

A life coach is someone who comes alongside you, helping you make the choices and changes necessary to provide you with your best life. We all know how hard it can be to make decisions in our fast paced world, where there are so many options. It’s also hard to reach our potential, when we have baggage holding us back from going after our dreams. A life coach is very similar to a sports coach, music teacher, or dance instructor who guides and cheers you on so you can be the best you can be!

As kids we have coaches in all areas of our lives from sports, music, dance, art, academics, computer sciences. Why we think once we graduate from high school that we don’t need coaches in our lives anymore baffles me. I’m pointing a finger at myself here, because I am guilty of this too. For some reason, once we hit 18, we think we know it all and can do it all on our own. I’m here to tell you that it’s ok not to have all the answers. Having an impartial sounding board for the things that are holding you back is invaluable.

What Can Life Coaches Help You With?

Life Coaches can help you with any issues that are holding you back. They help you look at your thoughts from a different perspective, so you can make the adjustments necessary to move on. You can find general life coaches that can help you with a variety of areas, or ones that focus on specific issues. It can be anything from:

  • embracing a healthy lifestyle
  • creating exercise plans
  • thriving with chronic illness
  • resolving relationship issues
  • improved confidence
  • feels of low self worth
  • child hood hurts
  • school/career decisions
  • parenting choices
  • business development
  • home schooling
  • entrepreneurship
  • the list is endless…

The important thing to do is find one that you resonate with. There is nothing worse than working with someone that just doesn’t “get you.” Most Life Coaches will offer free consultations with you to make sure you are a good fit.

The Difference Between A Life Coach And A Therapist?

Although we both listen to you and try to find you the best path, a life coach is not a therapist. The main differences are training, and the ability to dispense medication or get you into a hospital setting for more serious issues. Sometimes people have both. For instance, your therapist may have recommended a course of action that you don’t know how to implement. A life coach can come along side you and help you break down the steps to make it more achievable.

Most of our issues just need a new perspective to help us move through them. Some of them just need a tweak, and others constant affirmations to move our mindset into the right direction. Having an impartial outsider provide new ideas, can sometimes be all we need. When my clients are having issues that are beyond my expertise, I will often recommend going to an accredited therapist. For those apprehensive about going to a therapist, starting with a Life Coach is an easy first step. They can help ease you into doing the deeper work that you may need to do to achieve your break throughs.

The Benefits Of Having Your Own Cheerleader!

Life coaches are your personal cheerleaders! We will also keep you accountable to what you want to achieve. We all have people in our lives that tell us our dreams are unattainable and to find a more secure path. Life coaches will support you in your goals, help you find different ways that you can achieve them, and cheer you on as you do! It’s amazing what a different perspective can do to spur you on to your dreams. Also knowing that someone is routing for you, can be all you need to keep going on the difficult days.

That’s why most athletes go to gyms, and have coaches or friends to keep them accountable. A life coach can do the same for you. Keeping you accountable, while reinforcing how capable you are is what we excel in. When you believe in yourself, there is nothing you can’t achieve! Life coaches live to keep you motivated and believing in yourself. We want to see you thrive, not just survive.

If you think one-on-one coaching is some thing you could benefit from, please reach out to me and I’d love to chat with you to see if we’d be a good fit. I want you to experience life to it’s fullest, and achieve all the goals you can dream of!

One-on-one coaching is a great way to start building your confidence, and improve your health! I help people with Fibromyalgia and chronic illness manage their symptoms with ease, so they never feel held back again! Click here for an application form and I would be happy to help you in your journey. You can also contact me at or check out my website: