Health and Wellness

Couple enjoying the sunshine as they take a much needed break.

The Importance of Slowing Down

The importance of slowing down I have recently learned the hard way the importance of slowing down. We live in a world where productivity is key, the busier the better! As a wife and mother of two teenagers, two dogs and three cats, busy is my middle name. I have home schooled my kids for the past 7 years (yay…


A woman doing stretches to help her body stay strong and resilient.

You’ve fallen, now what?

Knowing how to recover after a fall is essential for people with FM. As someone successfully living with fibromyalgia, I know first hand how devastating falling can be. The pain is overwhelming. The fear of falling makes me very cautious in the activities I undertake and I watch the ground meticulously. The Fall Recently I took a very bad fall…


Would you like to boost your immune system?

Here’s a quick tip on how to boost your immune system with Hot and Cold Therapy! What you will need: 1) A Shower 2) Towels 3) Warm clothes How you do it: 1) Take a shower. When you are ready to get out, turn the water as hot as you can handle without burning yourself for 30 seconds. 2) Turn…


Hot and Cold Therapy for Migraines

I have suffered from migraines for over 30 years. I have discovered that hot and cold therapy reduces the pain greatly, and most often removes them completely. Here is how you do it. What you will need for hot and cold therapy: The process of hot and cold therapy:


Laugh, it’s good for your health!

He will once again fill your mouth with laughter and your lips with shouts of joy. Job 8:21 My best friend suggested listening to Stuart McLean after we attended a wonderful tea for the ladies of our church, so I decided to share him with you as well. At the tea my friends and I listened to a fabulous speaker,…


The Music of the Landfill Harmonic

My heart, O God, is steadfast, my heart is steadfast; I will sing and make music. Psalms 57:7 The importance of music I love this video as it speaks to my passion for music and my need to see people doing things for their fellow man. We live in a very hard world and it is so inspiring to see…
