Mental Health

When anxiety strikes a woman in a white and blue crew neck t shirt

When Anxiety Strikes

When anxiety strikes it can be terrifying! The racing heart, trouble breathing, butterflies in my stomach, and desire to run away as quickly as possible can be debilitating. I allowed anxiety to keep me home and sheltered for far too long. By getting control of my mind, I’ve been able to manage my anxiety successfully for many years. Here are my tried and true tips that get my anxiety under control, before it controls me!


Managing grief. A woman in gray tank top while sitting on bed

Managing Grief

Managing grief can be one of the greatest challenges we have to go through as humans. No one wants to say goodbye to those we love most. Whether your relationship was in good standing or not when your loved ones die, learning to live without them requires time, and a shift in our mindset before we can be ok again. The length of this process lies in the tools we have to deal with it, and how willing we are to use them. Here are some ways to process our grief, whether it be from death, physical separation, or unexpected life changes.


What is success? A person standing on hand rails with arms wide open facing the mountains and clouds after successfully completing the hike!

What Is Success?

What is success to you? Most of us strive to be considered successful by our family and peers. But, what is success? If you interviewed 10 people on the street what success meant to them, you would most likely end up with some very different answers depending on what street you were on. You will probably find that what you think is successful, is not what someone else thinks it is. More importantly, if you don’t know what success means to you, how will you know if you’re successful? Let’s discuss what success really means, and how you can find out what success truly means for you and how to get there.


Having Community to support you is essential to healthy happy lives!

Having Community

Having Community to support you is essential to living a healthy happy life! Especially when you are living with chronic illness, you need people around you who you can trust. Often, once the illness has really set in, our instinct is to shut ourselves away. Here is why it’s so important for you to continue to reach out to your friend groups, or find new groups you can join!


The Power of Prayer. A cross at sunset.

The Power Of Prayer

The power of prayer is stronger than you could ever imagine. If you are not using it in your life, now is the perfect time to start!


Your mindset and fibromyalgia are intricately linked. This woman with open arms is enjoying life despite it's challenges.

Your Mindset And Fibromyalgia

Your mindset and Fibromyalgia are more linked than you may think. They are intricately interwoven together, so managing your Fibromyalgia requires a positive mindset. It is widely accepted that a negative mindset will lead to depression, so if you want to beat the odds, developing a positive mindset is crucial. Here is why a positive mindset is so important to…


Saying no with a brown paper with handwritten text

Saying No!

Saying no is something that comes very easily when we are toddlers, but gets harder as we grow up. It’s this inability to say no, that leads to us over scheduling and overdoing things in order to impress others and get ahead. This also leads to not taking care of ourselves, and leads to chronic illness and sometimes even Fibromyalgia. Here is why it’s so important to learn to say no again, and be ok with it.


woman jumped from the cliff

Leaping Outside Your Comfort Zone

Leaping out of your comfort zone is not always an easy thing to do, but it’s how we learn and grow. By going beyond our comfort zones, we discover who we truly are and what we can accomplish in this world. The last few years have really forced me to step out of my comfort zone, and experience the exhilarating feeling of proving what I can do! Here are a few of the things I’ve done in the past few years, and how it has transformed my life!


Our Trip to the Calgary Zoo was so much fun!!!

Our Trip To The Calgary Zoo

Our trip to the Calgary Zoo this week was so much fun! Our homeschooling association planned the trip, so we got up extra early and drove the 3 hours to get to the zoo. It was so worth it!!! We realized we hadn’t been there since 2018! We were excited to see the new polar bear exhibit, and visit some of our old favourites. Come join us as we tour the Calgary Zoo!


silhouette photography of jump shot of two persons

Bouncing Back From Burnout

Bouncing back from burnout is not an easy thing to do, but it is possible. After weeks of going full tilt, my body crashed and said enough!!! I’ve been paying the price for the past few days, and still trying to get back into the grove again. Here are some tips for becoming productive again after burnout strikes. You can…
