Quick Tips

Managing Fibromyalgia Flareups feels like this woman enjoying the sunshine while standing in sunflower field.

Managing Fibromyalgia Flareups

Managing Fibromyalgia (FM) flareups feels like stepping back into the sunshine again! When the pain becomes unbearable, we need tools to bring the pain under control again. It never ceases to amaze me how much pain I’m willing to live with if it makes life easier! Mercifully, none of my family members have chronic illness or the food sensitivities that I do. It’s challenging to make separate meals for myself and for my family. I have realized though, that this is now essential to my health and productivity. Here are my 5 tips for getting my FM under control, and I know they will help you too.


Treat Eczema At Home

Treating Eczema At Home

Treating eczema from home can be quite successful when you use the right products. When my son developed an out-of-control rash, we were stunned as to what to do next. We weren’t sure what had caused the rash, so we tried a lot of different options before we found what worked. Here is how we got my son’s eczema under control.


silhouette photography of jump shot of two persons

Bouncing Back From Burnout

Bouncing back from burnout is not an easy thing to do, but it is possible. After weeks of going full tilt, my body crashed and said enough!!! I’ve been paying the price for the past few days, and still trying to get back into the grove again. Here are some tips for becoming productive again after burnout strikes. You can…


Probiotics and how they can help you.

The Importance of Probiotics

The importance of probiotics can not be understated. Probiotics help balance out the micro biome of the gut that is so important for good health. Our bodies contain trillions of microorganisms that can both help and hurt the body. Having a healthy balance between the good and bad microbes is essential for a healthy body. Here is why you should make them a part of your healthy lifestyle.


Natural Electrolyte Drinks

Natural electrolyte drinks are very easy to make at home. They have the benefits of being cheaper, and healthier as they have no artificial ingredients. Here is the recipe and instructional video on how to make your own.


Ginger Tea ingredients

Ginger Tea recipe

Ginger tea has kept us healthy for the past 4 years and counting! This easy to make immune booster keeps the cold and flu away as long as you take it at the first sign of symptoms. It’s also great for quelling nausea. Here is how you make it.


The New Approach to Failure Acronym

What does Failure mean to you? I love this new approach to failure acronym from Trish Blackwell and the College of Confidence. It is so empowering and helps you look at failure in a completely different way! So often when we fail at something, we decide we just aren’t good at it or it won’t work. We stop before we’ve…


Would you like to boost your immune system?

Here’s a quick tip on how to boost your immune system with Hot and Cold Therapy! What you will need: 1) A Shower 2) Towels 3) Warm clothes How you do it: 1) Take a shower. When you are ready to get out, turn the water as hot as you can handle without burning yourself for 30 seconds. 2) Turn…


Hot and Cold Therapy for Migraines

I have suffered from migraines for over 30 years. I have discovered that hot and cold therapy reduces the pain greatly, and most often removes them completely. Here is how you do it. What you will need for hot and cold therapy: The process of hot and cold therapy:
