
woman jumped from the cliff

Leaping Outside Your Comfort Zone

Leaping out of your comfort zone is not always an easy thing to do, but it’s how we learn and grow. By going beyond our comfort zones, we discover who we truly are and what we can accomplish in this world. The last few years have really forced me to step out of my comfort zone, and experience the exhilarating feeling of proving what I can do! Here are a few of the things I’ve done in the past few years, and how it has transformed my life!


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Bouncing Back From Burnout

Bouncing back from burnout is not an easy thing to do, but it is possible. After weeks of going full tilt, my body crashed and said enough!!! I’ve been paying the price for the past few days, and still trying to get back into the grove again. Here are some tips for becoming productive again after burnout strikes. You can…


woman unlocking her creativity.

Unlocking Creativity

Unlocking Creativity for me, has been like a champagne cork being shot across the room! I have always been a creative person, but my bout with depression shut down that creativity. The last 4 years have been a long journey in releasing my creativity from the bottle it was contained in. I’m not sure where in my brain it was locked up in, but unlocking it again feels like I’m entering a whole new world! Here are some steps you can take for unlocking creativity in your life!


Knowing Your Purpose by helping others.

Knowing Your Purpose

Knowing your purpose can be something that many struggle with. The meaning of life has long been the subject of countless books, moves, and magazine articles. So how do you figure out what your purpose is before you hit 80? With some focused journaling and time with God, it’s not that hard to figure out. Here is how you can figure out your purpose, and start building the life of your dreams.


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My Only Competition

My only competition is myself. I heard this statement today for the first time by Tyler Perry. My mind is blown because it’s so simple and yet so true.


person staying motivated while climbing on mountain

Staying Motivated

Staying motivated when life throws you lemons can really be a challenge. The key is to remember what you’re doing it for in the first place. I speak from experience in this, as I’ve just gone through several massive disappointments that have left me with more questions than answers. This in turn has me spiralling, and I know I have to pull myself out soon. Here is how I regained my motivation when I hit the wall.
