Does kindness matter?
Does kindness matter anymore? When I recently received a birthday card in the mail, I knew the answer was an unqualified YES!!! Seeing that envelope addressed to me in the mailbox brought on a feeling of joyous giddiness from my early childhood. Knowing that a dear friend was thinking about me, and took the time to put a card in the mail was priceless! Here are just a few reasons why kindness matters and how you can bring it back to our fast paced world.
Ways you can show kindness:
- Sharing a kind word.
- Sending cards.
- Making phone calls.
- Sending texts.
- Giving gifts.
- Holding doors.
- Offering to help your neighbours, family, friends, or strangers.
- Coffee dates with family or friends.
- Sending pictures by text, email, or snail mail.

Sharing a kind word
Sharing a kind word , even if you think they are already aware of it, may be the spark that keeps them going. Your affirmation may give them the confidence to apply for that dream job, school, college, internship, or promotion. Just letting someone know that you see them and they matter is beyond measure. Don’t underestimate the power of your words on someone else. Your encouragement could mean all the difference in them walking away from that ledge they may be on. Even more incredible; it’s free!!!
Sending cards
Sending cards is one of the best ways to brighten someones day with your kindness. Whether they are hand made or store bought, they are guaranteed to bring a smile! As mentioned above, seeing a card in my mailbox or having it handed to me brings me great joy. Even now, I can feel a goofy grin spreading across my face at the thought! These acts of kindness are incredibly powerful, as the words you share can have a profound effect on the receiver. When you get the urge to send someone a card, don’t hesitate just do it!!!
The great thing about a physical card is that you can put it on your fridge, or counter top and smile every time you see it! We have a string of lights in our living room where we put all the cards we receive year round; Christmas, Birthday, or Thinking of You cards. These stay up all year and get replaced when new ones arrive. This not only brightens up our room, but also gives us a reminder of the kind thoughts our family and friends have shared. It also brings their faces to our minds as well. When I see a card, I don’t just see the card I see the person who sent it. Their smiling face and memories of the times we were together flood into my mind. So when you think “it’s just a card, it won’t matter to them.”; I want to assure you it will!!!
Making phone calls
I’m sure we’ve all had those instances when a person we haven’t spoken to in awhile pops into our mind. “I should really call them,” is usually the thought that follows for me. The problem is, I am rarely in a position to call them in that moment. We all live such busy lives that the thought of spending an hour or more catching up stops us from calling. We need to change that. Hearing a loved ones voice after a long absence is indescribable. It can bring emotions of great happiness to sadness for being apart. It can be exciting, healing, and frustrating. No matter what emotion it brings for you, we are programmed for human interaction in all it’s forms.
Hearing your voice can close the thousands of miles and years between you and your loved one. Depending on your phone plan, it probably won’t cost that much either. When you get that urge to call someone, take the time to call them or jot down a reminder to call them. They probably need to hear your voice and counsel more than you could ever imagine. Calling them will also reinforce that they are not alone in this world, which is something we all need right now.

Sending texts
Short on time? Send a text. The texting options we have now are so incredible!!! You can text, send voice messages, GIF’s or images. It can take less than a minute to let someone know you are thinking about them. The great thing about texts is that you never have to worry about interrupting someone’s day. Since they have the ability to silence notifications, they can read and respond to them whenever it’s convenient for them. This is a great way to make friends and family feel connected and included in your life!
Sending gifts
Every so often, I’ll see something that is perfect for a family member or friend. When finances allow, I grab it. Small gifts are just as amazing as big ones! Sometimes I hold onto them for Christmas or Birthday presents, and sometimes I just send them. It’s so humbling to receive an unexpected gift from someone. Whether it’s flowers, or just the gift of spending time with them, it feels amazing! You’ll never know how important that gift may be to the receiver. If you feel the impulse to give a gift, do it. It may have ripple effects you never imagined!
Holding doors for strangers or friends
I feel so special when someone holds the door for me. It’s such a simple act of courtesy, but it makes me feel seen, and important enough for someone to take notice of me. We live in a small town where such offers of kindness are very common. This is something my husband and I have been very intentional about teaching our kids. My son is now 13, and it makes me very proud when he remembers to hold a door for someone. It’s become very natural for both my kids, and the effect it has on the receiver is priceless.
I am naturally a very emotional person, but seeing my kids showing kindness and courtesy to a stranger always brings tears to my eyes! The heart felt smiles and thank you’s that come from elderly strangers refills my soul. It’s both joy bringing and heart breaking to know that a simple, free act of kindness can evoke such a grateful response. The simple act of holding a door made them feel seen. It also shows them that there are good people in the world that care about their fellow human beings.

Offering to help your neighbours, family, friends, or strangers.
Another great way to show kindness is to offer your help to neighbours, family, friends, or strangers. This can include taking groceries to their car, doing yard work, washing their car, helping with repairs around the house, walking their dog. Giving your time to someone else is one of the greatest gifts you can give. Time is the one thing we all have, no matter our wealth, and we all have the same amount of it. How we chose to spend it is incredibly valuable. This is something that is not lost on small children and those over 40. Most parents can remember the sad faces of young children when they have had to leave for work. Once we hit our teen years to about our late 30’s we seem to forget how valuable time is.
Then it hits us again like a ton of bricks around 40. Maybe it’s because most people live to between 70-80 years, that we suddenly realize half our lives are over and we still have so much we wanted to do in life! Even if the individual you are helping has difficulties communicating their gratitude, don’t underestimate the effects of your effort. Your help will not only help their immediate needs, but also show them that they matter and are not alone.
Coffee dates with family or friends.
When our kids are young we plan “play dates” for them. Somewhere along the line we stop planning them for ourselves. Taking the time to plan coffee dates or walks with friends can replenish our energy and feelings of connectedness. This is more important than ever after the horrendous lockdowns we recently went through. As nice as it is to be the one invited, it’s just as beneficial to be the one whose asking! Another free act of kindness is to be the one who initiates the get together. Be the one who says, “hey we haven’t gotten together in a long time. Do you want to go for coffee?” It may be a while before you can get together, but the knowledge that you value them enough to get together is inestimable.
Sending pictures by text, email, or snail mail.
How many times have you been cleaning out your picture folder, or cupboards, and found amazing pictures you had forgotten about? An incredible act of kindness is forwarding those pictures to others you think would enjoy them too! You can use text, email, or snail mail (the regular post). No matter how you decide to send them, send them!!! The recipient will also share in the happiness of that day or event. They will also be warmed by the fact you thought about them, and wanted to share your happy memories with them.

These are only a minor fraction of all the ways you can show your kindness to others. I hope it has given you some ideas that you can use, and the confidence to take action on them! In our day of constant connectivity, people are feeling more alone and disconnected than ever. We have the means to change this with simple acts of kindness. I’d love to hear what things you found most useful, and how you plan to reach out to others today!!!
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