Going from a dreamer to a doer has been a major challenge for me. As I child I was considered hyper active, so my mom kept me in many activities. I was in every extra curricular school sports team, as well as music, and dance classes. Having parents that allowed me to be in any activity, that they could get me to, was a huge blessing. Furthermore, I have always been a dreamer with huge expectations for my life! This article will tell you how I went from a dreamer to a doer.
From a dreamer to a doer.
To be honest I don’t know when I stopped doing, and allowed my fears to prevent me from moving forward with my dreams. I’ve had many big dreams over the years, and I know exactly when and why those died as I shifted my course. I am a doer when it comes to everyday necessities, like feeding my family, taking care of the pets, work responsibilities, and household chores. What I don’t know is why my dreams remained in my head as a “someday” thing, instead of making them a reality. Why was I so protective of those dreams that I didn’t even try bringing them to life?
Perhaps it was all the unfulfilled dreams that made me believe I couldn’t accomplish anything. Or it could have been my fear of what others might think. Not to mention my fear of failure. It was probably a mixture of all of them that kept me playing small.
What changed?
So what changed? It was my need to get free of my depression and anxiety that led to the change I so desperately needed. Through my daily prayers with God, to help me get off medication and find joy in life, that I found The Confidence Podcast with Trish Blackwell. This in turn led me to The College of Confidence, which changed my life. Trish taught me where my self worth really came from (God), and how to re-frame my thoughts. Most importantly, she taught me how to go after my dreams again. As I learned not to care what other people thought, my power to step out of my comfort zone grew!
What dreams have become reality in 2023?
It has been an epic year for me!!! Firstly, I started my own Lifestyle Coaching business, where I specialize in helping others build their confidence, create exercise plans that really work, and manage their pain. In addition I finished a plastic canvas needle work doll house that I started over 10 years ago. Consequently, I will be posting a blog on that topic in the near future!
In building the Coaching business,
- I created a website with my husband.
- Started blogging.
- Learned Premiere Pro to edit Youtube exercise videos.
- Started a Youtube Channel.
- Started posting on social media consistently.
- Started coaching clients!
What was the hardest thing to stop dreaming about and start doing?
Posting my exercise videos on youtube was by far the hardest thing for me to do! Initially, the idea came over a year and a half ago. I recorded them in January of 2023, and I posted them on December 15th! Being riddled with the fear of being trolled and ridiculed, I held back on getting them finished. It was the idea that “there are people out there that need my help”, which allowed me to push through the fear and get them posted. Another thought that helped me break through the barrier was, “everything you want is on the other side what you don’t want to do.” Posting those videos shattered all my self imposed limitations, creating a whole new reality for me: I can do anything I put my mind to!
Overall, it was my need to help and serve others that spurred me out of my state of dreaming into the act of doing! Knowing that everything I’ve gone through and learned can help someone else keeps me doing what I need to do. I truly believe that this is God’s purpose for my life, and I want to fulfill it to the best of my abilities!
I hope this inspires you to make your dreams a reality too! If you have any questions about how to do this in your life, please reach out to me and I would be more than happy to help you make your dreams a reality!
One-on-one coaching is a great way to start building your confidence, and improve your health! I offer confidence coaching, health & lifestyle coaching, and exercise coaching. Click here for an application form and I would be happy to help you in your journey. You can also contact me at acgamero16@gmail.com or check out my website: www.nopainallgain.ca