God’s health plan for us hasn’t changed much over the years. In the 1900’s, He actually gave a woman named Ellen G. White detailed guidance on what a healthy lifestyle should look like. She diligently wrote them down and shared them with anyone who would listen. Those who follow her advice most closely in Loma Linda, California have one of the longest rates of life expectancy in the world. I love how Dr. Roger Seheult shows us how medical science has caught up with what Ellen G. White taught all those years ago.
Why is God’s Health Plan important?
God’s plan for us is important because He is our maker and knows how our bodies and minds will work best. What’s truly remarkable about this is that Ellen G. White was an uneducated woman, and yet God used her to share His messages with us. She couldn’t possibly have known the intricacies of how our bodies work, or how our environment was shaped to keep us healthy.
One of the things she recommended was to get out early in the morning to gain the benefits of sunshine. She didn’t know that sunshine penetrating our skin is essential for creating vitamin D, which in turns creates melatonin. Melatonin is very important for helping our bodies fall asleep. Without enough vitamin D, no melatonin, no melatonin and you’ll be tossing and turning all night. Only recently has science figured out this connection. That’s over 100 years after Ellen brought it to everyone’s attention! In this video, Dr. Seheult provides a very detailed explanation as to why this happens.
The book Acquired or Inspired: Exploring the origins of the Adventist lifesyle by Don McMahon provides a lot of the modern research that backs up the information that Ellen shared. Dr Seheult’s presentation was such a hit that, at the time of writing this article, the book is sold out. They are in the process of printing more which should be ready for world wide circulation in mid 2024.
Some additional takeaways:
Bed by 9pm:
Another takeaway from this presentation, besides the importance of getting up early and getting out into the sunshine, is going to bed by 9pm. This concept may be very controversial, but I’m sure you have noticed that you get tired around 8:30-9pm. That’s when my body is begging to go to sleep, but I’m rarely done with my daily duties by then. If I stay up past 11pm, I won’t be able to fall asleep until 2am.
I wondered why that was until I watched the presentation. Everything he said made perfect sense. Our natural melatonin kicks in at that time, allowing us to fall asleep without much effort. Arranging our day to fit this new schedule hasn’t occurred in our house hold yet, but in time it will. When I get to bed by 10pm, I sleep really well and have an incredibly productive following day!
Intermittent Fasting:
Additionally, when and how much we eat is important too. In the Western world, three meals a day is the standard nutritional recommendation. By contrast, Ellen White’s recommendation was for two larger meals at breakfast and lunch, and a light supper if necessary. She also recommended not eating after 6pm at night, so our digestive systems can rest through the night. Moreover it prevents acid reflux when we sleep, as our food has moved out of the stomach.
Interestingly enough, we now call this intermittent fasting and it’s a big hit! By not eating for a 12-14 hour period, our body can focus on the process of healing itself. God designed the body to repair any cell damage done during the day while we sleep. Furthermore, the body uses already stored calories to fuel it’s work, resulting in weight loss. I can attest to this benefit, as we have shifted to this schedule and I am losing weight.
Long Covid Cure:
Dr. Seheult is a practising physician in the United States and has his share of patients suffering from Long Covid. Correspondingly, he combined all these things into a treatment plan that really works! As a result of following his plan, his patients symptoms went away within a few weeks. So what exactly is this plan?
Dr. Seheult’s Long Covid Prescription:
- Get up early and spend 15-30 minutes outside in the sunshine.
- Big breakfast, big lunch, and light supper between 4pm-6pm.
- No food after 6pm. Fluids are ok.
It’s remarkable to me to think that advice given in vision to Ellen G. White in the 1900’s, would be solving lingering health issues in 2023! Not only does it prove that Ellen G. White was right, but also how much God truly cares about us. I challenge you to watch the video and see what you can implement into your healthy lifestyle today.
One-on-one coaching is a great way to start building your confidence, and improve your health! I offer confidence coaching, health & lifestyle coaching, and exercise coaching. Click here for an application form and I would be happy to help you in your journey. You can also contact me at acgamero16@gmail.com or check out my website: www.nopainallgain.ca