KDP self publishing allows you to make the book that’s been on your heart a reality. If you haven’t heard about KDP, it stands for Kindle Direct Publishing. I have just self published my first book on Amazon using KDP self publishing, and it wasn’t as easy as I thought it would be. As much as I wanted to give up, I persevered and kept reformatting it until it was accepted. Although you create it on the .com site, it gives you options to have it published all over the world! Here are some tips from what I’ve learned from using KDP publishing.
Self Publishing With KDP Tip #1
Write your book in Microsoft word if at all possible. The whole process of self publishing your book in digital and hard copy will be so much easier if you do. I just started writing my book without the consideration or knowledge of how self publishing worked with KDP. Since I wanted it to have pretty graphics, I decided to make my book in Canva. Consequently, it was more than a challenge to get it made into an ebook, and even more as a print copy. The good news is that it can be done from Canva. The trick is getting it in the correct size for trim and bleed.
Know your Trim and Bleed Sizes – Tip #2
The most important thing you need to have before you try publishing your manuscript is the trim and bleed size. If you get this wrong, (as I did) you will be resizing and resubmitting it until KDP likes what it see’s. Here’s a quick explanation of trim and bleed size. I have taken this chart from the KDP website, so if you want to know more you can click on it to be redirected to the actual site.
Here is how you read it based on the top line. If you want a book that end’s up 5″ x 8″, you have 4 kinds of paper quality to chose from. Depending on the paper you chose, the minimum and maximum number of pages changes. The first number is the minimum, and the second is the max. The sizes also change depending on the trim size you choose. The 5″ x 8″ trim size would be the trim size you add when filling out the KDP forms.
Book Trim Size and Number of Pages

Once you have your final book trim size decided you then need to find your inside page trim and bleed sizes. This is the size your manuscript will need to be for your book to be published. So if you need bleed to be added because of graphics or additional colour, you will add .125 to the width and .25 to the height of each page. This means for our example of a 5″ x 8″ book your manuscript will need to be sized to 5.125″ x 8.25″. Don’t worry that the interior trim sizes are bigger that your actual book, that’s just the way they do it.
The chart below will give you the exact sizes for what you need. I would suggest keeping your book to the dimensions below, so you know exactly what internal trim sizes you will need. My book wasn’t in the dimensions listed in the chart, so this part meant multiple reformatting attempts until I finally figured out what they wanted.
Trim and Bleed Sizes

Creating an ebook from Canva – Tip #3
Once you complete your manuscript in Canva, in the correct dimensions, you will need to save it as a PDF so that the KDP programme can convert it into a digital book for you. After that, you will then need to download Kindle Create in order for your Canva PDF to be useable. Don’t worry, Kindle Create is free to download. Once you are in, you will be using the Comics option as it’s the only one that allows for PDF manuscripts. Follow the instructions, and Kindle Create will make your Canva manuscript into an ebook for you.
The cool thing about KDP, is that once you have created your ebook, it will ask you if you want to create a print version. KDP publishing will then pull most of your information over to the print copy.
Resizing your manuscript in Canva – Tip #4
After multiple resizing attempts, page by page, a friend told me there was a way to resize the entire document at once! She was right, so here are the instructions from Canva itself. The great thing is, it totally works!!! You can then go through your manuscript to make sure everything looks the way you planned it. Make sure the colours stretch all the way to the edge of the document.

Creating Your Book Cover – Tip #5
To create a book cover you will need to go to the KDP Print Cover Calculator and Templates page. This tool allows you to enter the details about your manuscript like binding type, interior type, reading direction, page count, paper type, and trim size. It will then give you the dimensions you need to get it published. Additionally, it will provide you with a template to make sure your copy will fit properly into the book. This step is essential for the print copy of your book. Your ebook will be fine one page after the other in PDF format, as long as it’s in the correct trim size.
In conclusion
Self publishing with KDP is possible from Canva. It takes longer than if you started working from Kindle Create or Microsoft Word, but it is achievable. Figuring out your trim size is your first step. Whether you decide this before you start writing your manuscript or after is up to you. If you have Canva Pro, it is easy to reformat the whole document in under 5 minutes. This option was a life saver for me, and my manuscript was accepted after using it.
So if you have a book on your heart, you can publish it on Amazon using KDP. If you want to be one of the first to get a copy of my new book, you can buy it here through amazon.com or here from amazon.ca.
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