Leaping out of your comfort zone is not always an easy thing to do, but it’s how we learn and grow. By going beyond our comfort zones, we discover who we truly are and what we can accomplish in this world. The last few years have really forced me to step out of my comfort zone, and experience the exhilarating feeling of proving what I can do! Here are a few of the things I’ve done in the past few years, and how it has transformed my life!
Becoming a Lifecoach
I’ve been studying natural health practices for over twenty years, confidence and the effects of a healthy mindset for over five years. My mentor referred me to a client, because she was full. I have always been a natural born encourager, and working with this client was mind blowing! I immediately knew what I wanted to be doing with the education and experience that God had given me. Watching my client break through her insecurities, and take ownership of how awesome she truly is, was exceptionally gratifying. Seeing how she owns the space she’s in now, and doesn’t allow others to push her around is incredible.
Becoming a health and lifestyle coach is more than just coaching clients, it’s attracting more clients as well. This part of the business was something I wasn’t familiar with. Marketing and sales jobs had never turned out well for me in the past, so breaking through my limiting mindset about putting myself out there was daunting. The process has been slower than most of the marketing programs claim they will be, but I’m doing it! With each new step, I’ve shown myself how capable I am which allows me to take the next step!
Creating My Website
Once I started working with my first client, I created my business website. My husband is a computer engineer, so he was able to help me get my website up, but I had to make all the design and copy decisions. Once it was up, he taught me how to manage and keep the website up to date. I had to create new pages, blog posts, adjust existing pages, SEO management, and any changes that needed to be done. Of course he is always ready to help when I hit a road block, but I’m amazed at how much I’ve grown!
Every time I figure things out for myself, my comfort zone expands. Sometimes it’s just like I’ve chipped away at the walls a little bit. Other times, like posting my first articles, I was leaping outside my comfort zone. All the worries about “what will they think,” are thrown to the wayside as I do it anyway! It’s such a freeing feeling to throw caution to the wind and just do it. Believe me, all the things I thought would happen didn’t. It really helped me get my ego under control when I realized that no one was thinking about me as much as I thought they were.
Leaping Out of Your Comfort Zone With YouTube
One of the best examples of learning that my fears were not reality, was posting my exercise videos on YouTube. You see, I am more of a dreamer than a doer; at least I used to be. When I was inspired to record my FM (Fibromyalgia) workout routine so others could benefit from it, it took me more than six months to actually do it! I planned and worried about how to best accomplish it for six months. This was before I even had my first client.
Once I filmed it, it took me 11 months to film, edit in Premiere Pro, and post it on YouTube. In those 11 months I fussed about what others would think. I fussed about how I would handle all the negative feedback I imagined I would get. I fussed about not being the perfect size for being on film. Posting it seemed like the biggest thing in the world!!! I actually felt like the woman in the picture, diving off a cliff! It was the most humbling experience once it was released.
Nothing happened. There was no negative backlash, no negative comments. The ones that have commented have been very supportive. All the negative stories holding me back were just stories. They were a false narrative I had created in my head to protect myself from the unknown. They were simply not true. In short, people were not thinking about me or what I did as much as I thought they were. This was humbling and freeing at the same time, as I could now push my comfort zone walls out one step further.
Growing my business through Social Media
Growing my business through social media was a huge leap for me. I decided on Instagram, Pinterest, and occasionally LinkedIN. I still don’t post much business content on my personal Facebook account, so I obviously have some ways to go about caring what people think. This felt like a huge step as well, but little by little big things get done. My daughter taught me how to navigate Instagram, and still acts as my posts manager.
Social Media marketing is all about consistency, and that is what is so hard for me. Life gets busy when you homeschool, work as a Virtual Assistant, while running a household and getting your own business off the ground. I’m blessed to have a wonderful mentor in Trish, who has been indispensable in helping me navigate this new world of entrepreneurship. She has graciously put me onto other Social Media guru’s that have helped me keep going.
Not giving up is the key to this entire process, so not matter what your numbers are, just keep going. You are only a failure unless you quit. I am determined to prove to myself, and my children, that perseverance pays off so failure isn’t an option. Since I’m not willing to fail, quitting isn’t an option either. My acting teacher once told me that, “when you feel like you’ve hit a wall, keep going because you are just about to have a major break through!” So I keep going, because I can’t wait to see what’s next!
Writing My First Book

Publishing my first book Tips For Living With Fibromyalgia and Chronic Illness is the perfect example of leaping outside your comfort zone! Not only did I have to write it, I had to publish it as well. I decided on using Amazon KDP, as it’s free and from what I was hearing easy to do. While it is free, it is more complicated than you may think. I suggest watching many tutorials about how to do it before writing your first book. You can also check out my blog on the topic called KDP Publishing.
It took so many revisions, that it was anti-climactic when it was actually published. The great news is that it’s now available on Amazon where it can help anyone wanting to reduce their pain so they can enjoy life again. Although the revisions were frustrating to say the least, they taught me perseverance and showed me how to adjust my mindset when things weren’t going my way. I kept telling myself, “if they can do it, so can I!” I watched more tutorials, and contacted support to figure out what I was doing wrong. And you know what? By not giving up, I did it too!
Marketing and Sales Courses
As mentioned above, marketing and sales were never my strong suit, but I decided that they will be! You cannot have a thriving coaching business without clients, and you can’t get clients without marketing. So I signed up for the Grant Cardone 10X Marketing System course. There are still a lot of things I learned through this course that I need to apply to my business, but now at least I know what to do next. I don’t feel like I’m floundering anymore in a sea of “am I doing this right?” I may be diving off a cliff, but I know where I’m swimming to when I hit the water.
The key to taking courses, is taking what is helpful and leaving what is not. I’ve watched videos, and taken courses from various presenters, but now it all makes sense. My business is still in the early stages, but it is on the right track and I’m more than ready for it to take off. I know it will, and in the mean time I’m setting up the systems I need to make it run smoothly when it does.
In conclusion
Leaping outside your comfort zone can be scary, but it’s also exhilarating and so worth it!!! I have learned so much about what I’m capable of, and what I was truly put on this earth to do. My business may not be where I’d like to be, but I am definitely on my way. Two years ago today, I didn’t have coaching clients, a coaching business, or a book published. Today I have all three! None of this would have been possible if I stayed within my comfort zone.
I challenge you today to pursue your dreams by leaping outside your comfort zone, so you can experience the spectacular life God created you for.
As a natural encourager, I live to help others!!! One-on-one coaching is a great way to start building your confidence, and improve your health! I help people with Fibromyalgia and chronic illness manage their symptoms with ease, so they never feel held back again! Click here for an application form and I would be happy to help you in your journey. You can also contact me at andrea@nopainallgain.ca or check out my website: www.nopainallgain.ca