My cabin adventure started more than 10 years ago, when my daughter was 4. It looked like it would be a lovely doll house for her. I am an avid cross stitcher, so the Mary Maxim Log Cabin set looked like lots of fun! Granted this was a plastic canvas needle work project, which was something new, but I was all ready to go!
How it began.
It began with great enthusiasm! The set I bought back in 2012 included the patterns, and all the supplies for the Log Cabin with furniture, and the Outdoor Furniture Set. The sets I have included links for here are for just the digital patterns. I started with the outdoor furniture set, as the cabin itself looked a bit daunting. Turns out I made a good choice, as it wasn’t as easy as it looked! Along the way life happened, causing the project to go back into the box again. I would get brave for awhile, and then back into the box it would go.
Why did the log cabin spend so much time in a box?
If you’ve never done a plastic canvas needle work project, this is how it works. You get a pattern that shows you what colours to use and where to put the different coloured stitches. For each piece you need to count how many holes you need to complete the pattern, then cut them out. If you count incorrectly and the piece is too small, you have to cut a new piece. My father always said, “count twice, cut once” when I watched him with his wood working projects. With my perfectionistic brain, it meant counting at least 3 times! For awhile, I was so afraid of making mistakes cutting out the pieces, that it stayed in the box for years.
Every time I would consider completing it, my mind would say, “but it’s so much work, all the counting and cutting. What if you make a mistake and run out of materials?” (The fact that I live 5 minutes from a Michaels store didn’t matter.) During those years my confidence took a nose dive, and picking up a cross stitch or needle work project just didn’t happen. As a result of my quickly declining confidence, I was depriving myself of a hobby I really enjoyed. Not to mention the guilt I felt every time I spotted the box containing the materials for the log cabin.
The trigger that made me start again.
It was actually a painting project to make name tags for my rose bushes that was the impetus to finish my log cabin. I have over 30 rose bushes in my front yard, and the project to get them all tagged coincidentally took 10 years as well! Once the tags were done, I was riding the motivational wave of accomplishment, and pulled out a cross stitch piece I had bought for my mom. Once the No Problama Llama was completed for my mom, I told myself that I couldn’t start another cross stitch project until the log cabin was finished.
When I started in Aug of 2023, most of the walls and roof of the cabin had been finished. Now I just had to finish the remaining structural pieces of the cabin and all the furniture. Every weekend I would sit down for several hours and just stitch, while my family and I watched shows together. Consequently, by the end of December it was done!!! I have already started and completed a few cross stitch projects since then.
What is the greatest thing about this project?
The really great thing about this project is that three generations of my family have worked on it! My mom, my daughter, and myself. It was fabulous when my mom joined in when she visited us last summer. She created the upper level floor, and did an incredible job. (Thanks Mom!) Here is my daughter (back in 2014) working on the cabin door. It was her first adventure into needle work and, although she has moved on to crochet, she still loves crafting!!!
To say this was a passion project is an understatement. It brings back such good memories every time I look at it.
What the experience has taught me.
The completing of my log house has taught me how damaging mental health issues can be on all aspects of your life. As I allowed my depression and anxiety to take over, I slowly lost so many of the hobbies and things I enjoyed doing in life. This in turn made my depression and anxiety worse, as I allowed the fun to drain from my life. We need a balance of work and play in our lives, and it’s our job to maintain it. We maintain that balance by managing our mind, and not allowing negativity to take over.
As I started actually doing the projects I had planned, instead of just thinking about them, I found joy and confidence in life. Once I started proving to myself that I could do it, I wanted to do bigger things. Now I feel unstoppable!!! No I haven’t pulled out the Firehouse needle work set I bought for my son yet, but in time it will get done too!
I hope this inspires you to pull out the projects you’ve had on the back burner and get them done. You can watch the video about the making of the Log cabin by clicking here. No words can describe how empowering it’s been for me to finish the project, and throw away that box!!!
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