The power of prayer is stronger than you could ever imagine. If you are not using it in your life, now is the perfect time to start! God created the universe and everything in it. Our earth is just one of His many projects, and we are His crowning glory. He loves us so much that He sent His son Jesus to save us from the sin that entered this world. Since God created us, He also knows everything about us. This is why it’s so important to pray for what we want and need, as God is truly the only one who can provide it.
Who is God?
As mentioned above, God is the omnipotent creator of the universe and all that it contains. Christians believe in a Triune God made up of three persons; God the Father, God the Son, and God The Holy Spirit. So just as our friends refer to my family of four as the Gamero’s, we refer to the Godhead as God, even though there are three persons that make up the Godhead. Before the earth was formed, The Godhead decided to create Humans in their (God’s) image. They also decided to create the perfect environment and world for us to thrive. The world still follows the 7 day week that God used to create the earth. Each day adding a new element for humans to survive, and even a day of rest when He was done.
Jesus came down to earth every day to speak and commune with Adam and Eve, the first man and woman He created. Once sin entered the world through satan’s interference with Adam and Eve, Jesus could no longer be in their presence. Jesus then created a plan to redeem all humanity from sin, so we could be with Him for all eternity in the new world He would create in the future. The Godhead decided to allow sin to run it’s course so satan’s lies about God could be recognized by the entire universe.
The Gospel of Jesus
This would require Jesus to be born as a man. God decided to use Mary (a virgin woman) who was imgregnated by the Holy Spirit. He would be 100% human, and 100% God. He was the only human to live a perfect life, thus giving us the example of how to live. By sacrificing Himself on the cross for our sins, we now have the opportunity to live with the Godhead for all eternity in the new world; but it’s our choice. He won’t force anyone who doesn’t want to follow Him.
That is something all Christians need to remember, we can’t force others to worship on a particular day, or follow God at all. That is a personal choice between the individual and God. Our job is to let everyone know that they have this option. Evolution, and forcible worship are counterfeit ideologies of satan himself, which he uses to deceive as many of God’s children as possible. We are all God’s children, and nothing makes Him sadder than when we turn our backs on Him. The joy of satan’s existence is to pull as many of God’s children away from Him as He can.
So Why Pray?
Prayer is like a conversation with someone you love. When we pray, we are creating a relationship with God, and getting great advice and protection in return. Whenever you get a bright idea, that’s God’s answer to your prayers, or His way to help you out. We also pray because He knows exactly what we need when we need it, and knows best how to help us out.
If you drive a Mercedes, are you going to call GM to find out how to fix it? Of course not! You would call the Mercedes dealership so the experts in making your car run smoothly can fix it. That’s why we pray to God. He created us, so He knows best how to make us better. There is nothing He won’t help you with, as long as it’s in His will for your life. If you decide to jump off a cliff praying at the last minute for God to help you grow wings and fly, He’s not going to help you out. Humans were not meant to have wings like a bird, and the Bible is clear about not testing God. However, God did inspire men to create airplanes so humans could experience flight safely!
What Can Prayer Do For You?
The power of prayer can do more than you can even imagine! God can help your health improve, provide angelic help in times of need, and inspire friends to reach out when you need it most. I have felt God’s presence and angelic help multiple times in my life. One experience was when we were travelling in winter to help out a family member escape an abusive relationship. Our trip required us to go through a snowy mountain pass in the middle of the night. We were in a small car, and didn’t have chains as this was a last minute trip. After we prayed for God’s assistance, He sent a small blue diesel pick up truck.
It was my turn to drive, and I hate the smell of diesel fumes. The little blue truck pulled in front of me as we headed up the mountain. For me, diesel fumes are the worst so I pulled out from behind the truck, passed it and moved in front of it. The little blue truck then did the same to me! This happened two more times before I got the message that I should stay behind it. I remained behind it for the rest of night. Just as we crested the other side of the mountain and the sun began to rise, the truck pulled off the road and I never saw it again! God brought us safely to our destination, and I still get chills thinking about it!!!
In Conclusion
The power of prayer is immeasurable!!! Prayer is simple and it’s free! It is simply a conversation between you and the God that created you. Your prayer wont always result in an answer right away, but believe me that God is working on it. It took 20 years for my prayer for a good and loving husband to be answered, but God did provide. I was actually on the verge of giving up on my dream of having a family, and God provided everything I’d hoped for!
God has also helped me with my health as well. He provided Trish Blackwell and the College of Confidence when I asked for help with my mental health battles. My health and wellness coaching business comes directly from His prompting for me to help others going through the same issues. Prayer also means you always have someone on your side, and you’re never alone. This thought has gotten me through some very challenging times. If you would like more information about prayer, or would like Bible studies, please let me know and I’ll be happy to chat with you!
As a natural encourager, I live to help others!!! One-on-one coaching is a great way to start building your confidence, and improve your health! I help people with Fibromyalgia and chronic illness manage their symptoms with ease, so they never feel held back again! Click here for an application form and I would be happy to help you in your journey. You can also contact me at andrea@nopainallgain.ca or check out my website: www.nopainallgain.ca