photography of a persons hand with stop signage
Photo by Joël Super on

Stop Being A Victim!

Stop being a victim. We have more power than society wants us to believe. Many don’t realize being a victim is a choice, but it is. Choosing to be a victim allows us to play small, and not go after our dreams. It allows us to blame everyone else but ourselves for our position in the world. When we let go of being a victim, the whole world opens up to us. Nothing is out of our reach, nothing is impossible. Here is what being a victim costs you, and how to put it behind you for good!

Why We Play The Victim?

The greatest control mechanism governments have available to them is fear. Fear effects everyone differently. Some people get angry and fight back, while others cower in a corner and do whatever they’re told. It’s how a small group can manipulate a larger one that could easily overpower them. This fear makes us believe we can’t get out of the situation we are in. It’s easier to blame someone else, then to look at the source of our difficulties; which is ourselves.

We have the capacity to do great things, but it takes work, dedication, and ownership of our talents in this world. If you play video games 8 hours a day in your mothers basement, you have no business complaining that your bank account isn’t growing. We can’t expect our governments to pay our way, we need to put in the effort to educate ourselves, get a job, or become an entrepreneur, so we can make the money we need to get ahead. Most countries of the world offer free education from kindergarten to grade 12. If you don’t take advantage of actually learning while you are in the classroom, you are responsible for the result.

How To Stop Being A Victim?

The first thing you can do to stop being a victim is to take responsibility for where you are right now. Take stock of everything you have going for you, decide where you want to go, and figure out how to get there. For example: you decide you want to be a lawyer. If you have graduated high school you are one step closer! Your next steps would be to apply to University, write your LSATS, and then apply for law school.

You can find the money you will need for your education with student loans, side jobs, and scholarships. You would be amazed at how many scholarships go unclaimed every year because no one applied for them! With a strong work ethic, focus, and willingness to work on the side, you can achieve anything!

Decide to Stop Being a Victim!

The second thing you can do is to decide that you will be victorious not a victim. The most powerful thing you can do is to decide to do something. Once the decision is made, it removes all opportunities to fail. Remember that you only fail when you give up. If you decide you will do something, and nothing will stop you, you have all but achieved it.

How is that possible? If you are not willing to give up until you achieve it, success is inevitable! It is simply a matter of time. Making that decision stops the waffling between “do I, or don’t I?” You’ve already decided, so now you can focus on how you’ll make it happen. Get creative about the many ways you can achieve what you want. Set a timer and brain dump every idea you can think of to get there. Once you have anywhere from 15 to 100 ideas on your list chose the one you like best! If that one doesn’t work out, no worries, you have 99 more options to try. Along the way you’ll think of other things to add to your list. Edison tried 500 times before he got the lightbulb to work; aren’t you glad he didn’t give up?

Change Your Environment.

The third thing you can do to stop being a victim is to change your environment. That means leaving behind individuals, living arrangements, or working environments that are bringing you down. It means joining a group of like minded individuals that will support your goals and help you get to where you need to go. The College of Confidence is a great place to start!

Let’s be honest, being a victim is the cowards way out. It means you don’t have to take responsibility for your actions. It means you get to wallow in self pity, and we all know that misery loves company. So don’t hang out with those who chose to be miserable in this life. Don’t allow them to tell you what you can’t do, show them what you can do. We only get one chance on this planet, so why not make it epic!!!

Be Willing To Stand Out.

You will need to be willing to stand out, as our education systems are set up to produce mindless, obedient workers; not creative thinkers. They want a compliant workforce that never steps out of line and fills their coffers with taxes so they can do what they want.

Challenging the status quo is what a creative thinker does. Be willing to show yourself and others that they can achieve so much more. Be the example of what’s possible, instead of complaining about why you can’t achieve your dreams. When you step out of the mold society wants you in, you will experience push back. Be brave and do it anyways, the results are well worth it.

In Conclusion.

I speak from experience on this, as I have held myself back from my potential for years by being afraid of what others would think. By pushing myself to do the hard things, and doing it anyway, I have shown myself that all my fears were misguided. None of the things I feared would happen actually happened. With each small victory I’ve been able to prove to myself that I’m much more capable than I ever imagined! They’ve led to more and more victories, helping me escape the shadow of victimhood.

I know you can do this too. You deserve to be victorious!!! In John 10:10 of the Bible, Jesus states:

10 The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly. NKJV

Jesus would not have come to save us, if it was only for us to live a life of drudgery and misery. He came to give us a more abundant life! We cannot achieve that abundance if we chose to be a victim. A life of abundance only comes from choosing to be victorious in Jesus, and use the talents that God gave us. So embrace the talents God gave you, and decide to put victimhood behind you. You’ll be glad you did!

Click here to watch the video.

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