Tag: confidence

Forgiveness and your health. A close up shot of scrabble tiles on a white surface

Forgiveness And Your Health

Forgiveness and your health are intricately connected. Holding onto old grievances leads to depression, anxiety, and compounds chronic illness. Learning how to forgive, can be the tool that helps you break through the wall that’s holding you back!


What is success? A person standing on hand rails with arms wide open facing the mountains and clouds after successfully completing the hike!

What Is Success?

What is success to you? Most of us strive to be considered successful by our family and peers. But, what is success? If you interviewed 10 people on the street what success meant to them, you would most likely end up with some very different answers depending on what street you were on. You will probably find that what you think is successful, is not what someone else thinks it is. More importantly, if you don’t know what success means to you, how will you know if you’re successful? Let’s discuss what success really means, and how you can find out what success truly means for you and how to get there.


Having Community to support you is essential to healthy happy lives!

Having Community

Having Community to support you is essential to living a healthy happy life! Especially when you are living with chronic illness, you need people around you who you can trust. Often, once the illness has really set in, our instinct is to shut ourselves away. Here is why it’s so important for you to continue to reach out to your friend groups, or find new groups you can join!


What's the point? photo of woman showing frustrations on her face

What’s The Point?

Ever woken up wondering “what’s the point?” This happened to me today, and here is why journaling was so important to turn the day around.


woman jumped from the cliff

Leaping Outside Your Comfort Zone

Leaping out of your comfort zone is not always an easy thing to do, but it’s how we learn and grow. By going beyond our comfort zones, we discover who we truly are and what we can accomplish in this world. The last few years have really forced me to step out of my comfort zone, and experience the exhilarating feeling of proving what I can do! Here are a few of the things I’ve done in the past few years, and how it has transformed my life!


Managing Fibromyalgia Flareups feels like this woman enjoying the sunshine while standing in sunflower field.

Managing Fibromyalgia Flareups

Managing Fibromyalgia (FM) flareups feels like stepping back into the sunshine again! When the pain becomes unbearable, we need tools to bring the pain under control again. It never ceases to amaze me how much pain I’m willing to live with if it makes life easier! Mercifully, none of my family members have chronic illness or the food sensitivities that I do. It’s challenging to make separate meals for myself and for my family. I have realized though, that this is now essential to my health and productivity. Here are my 5 tips for getting my FM under control, and I know they will help you too.


Knowing Your Purpose by helping others.

Knowing Your Purpose

Knowing your purpose can be something that many struggle with. The meaning of life has long been the subject of countless books, moves, and magazine articles. So how do you figure out what your purpose is before you hit 80? With some focused journaling and time with God, it’s not that hard to figure out. Here is how you can figure out your purpose, and start building the life of your dreams.


Tips for the flu. Ice cubes made from water, Gatorade, and Ginger Tea, plus Nux Vomica

Tips For The Flu

Since you can last 3 weeks without food, but only 3 days without water, it is paramount to keep hydrated when you have the flu. Here are some tips to beating the flu.


Time to stop being a victim.

Stop Being A Victim

Stop being a victim. We have more power than society wants us to believe. Many don’t realize being a victim is a choice, but it is. Choosing to be a victim allows us to play small, and not go after our dreams. It allows us to blame everyone else but ourselves for our position in the world. When we let go of being a victim, the whole world opens up to us. Nothing is out of our reach, nothing is impossible. Here is what being a victim costs you, and how to put it behind you for good!
