Having Community to support you is essential to living a healthy happy life! Especially when you are living with chronic illness, you need people around you who you can trust. Often, once the illness has really set in, our instinct is to shut ourselves away. Here is why it’s so important for you to continue to reach out to your friend groups, or find new groups you can join!
Saying no is something that comes very easily when we are toddlers, but gets harder as we grow up. It’s this inability to say no, that leads to us over scheduling and overdoing things in order to impress others and get ahead. This also leads to not taking care of ourselves, and leads to chronic illness and sometimes even Fibromyalgia. Here is why it’s so important to learn to say no again, and be ok with it.
Leaping out of your comfort zone is not always an easy thing to do, but it’s how we learn and grow. By going beyond our comfort zones, we discover who we truly are and what we can accomplish in this world. The last few years have really forced me to step out of my comfort zone, and experience the exhilarating feeling of proving what I can do! Here are a few of the things I’ve done in the past few years, and how it has transformed my life!
Managing Fibromyalgia (FM) flareups feels like stepping back into the sunshine again! When the pain becomes unbearable, we need tools to bring the pain under control again. It never ceases to amaze me how much pain I’m willing to live with if it makes life easier! Mercifully, none of my family members have chronic illness or the food sensitivities that I do. It’s challenging to make separate meals for myself and for my family. I have realized though, that this is now essential to my health and productivity. Here are my 5 tips for getting my FM under control, and I know they will help you too.
Wonderful words of encouragement Wonderful words of encouragement mean the world to me! I’ve always needed to know I was doing a good job at whatever was asked of me. I’ve been working on Fibromyalgia workout videos for nearly a year and a half now. Doubts have caused many setbacks and pauses in the editing process. Recently a friend told…