Treating Eczema At Home

Treating eczema from home can be quite successful when you use the right products. When my son developed an out-of-control rash, we were stunned as to what to do next. We weren’t sure what had caused the rash, so we tried a lot of different options before we found what worked. Here is how we got my son’s eczema under control.

How it started:

It all started last January with a few bumps on my sons left hand. We live in a very cold climate, and go for walks everyday unless the conditions are too icy to be safe. My teenage son doesn’t always want to wear gloves when we walk, but that may have been the beginning of this journey. We kept an eye on it, and as it started to spread we put polysporin on it. As it turned out, he was sensitive to the antibiotic that was in the polysporin, and the rash spread like wild fire.

We headed off to the walk-in clinic to see what we should be doing to get it under control. The doctor diagnosed it as impetigo,(which it wasn’t) and freaked me out with her depiction of how contagious it was. She didn’t do a swab to see what it was, she just told us we needed antibiotics. We don’t do antibiotics, as they are so damaging to the natural immune system, but I gave in and allowed him to get topical antibiotics. After the 10 days were done with those, this is where his hand was at.

His hand after topical antibiotics

The next step:

We headed back to the walk-in clinic, as the cream was clearly not doing what it was supposed to. This time the doctor said we would need to do oral antibiotics. I wasn’t happy, as he had already been on them for 10 days, but agreed. When we filled the prescription, I asked the pharmacist what the signs of allergic reaction were just in case. She told me that rash all over the back or body was what to watch out for. We started the prescription as directed, but by day 6 his lips were swelling and his back was covered in a very itchy rash. We stopped the antibiotics immediately and waited for Monday for another trip to the doctor. Here is what his hand looked like at that point.

His hand after oral antibiotics.

Changing course:

The third doctor (they were all different doctors) agreed he was allergic to the antibiotic that had been prescribed and that he wasn’t to be given any additional antibiotics. He sent us for allergy testing to see what else he may be allergic to. We also discovered he was allergic to the antihistamines Benedryl, Reactine, and Allegra. Now I knew it was time to treat him with natural remedies, as the western medical system had failed us once again.

We visited a local natural medicine practitioner and she recommended using a soak to bring down the inflammation and itchiness, as well as remove foods like dairy, and gluten that were known to cause sensitivities. I put together the soak she suggested and the results were incredible! Removing dairy, wheat, and corn were challenging, but they did help reduce the inflammation. Once we got the inflammation under control and the hand healed from the open sores, he was able to reintroduce those foods without issue. It took about 3 months before we slowly reintroduced the foods.

Ricar’s Incredible Eczema Soak:

I ended up putting together a soak based on what the Natural health practitioner, and the pharmacist that looked at Ricar’s hand suggested. I have included the recipe below for those who want to try it. Not only did the Soak heal his hand, and remove the inflammation and itchiness, but it also helped our friend after a wasp sting. Our friend had a very bad reaction to the wasp sting, causing swelling and redness. After the over the counter remedies she tried caused little relief, I made a batch of the soak and brought it to her. To my great relief the redness, itchiness, and swelling subsided!

She used soak on gauze pads and froze them in her freezer. The cold helped ease the pain and helped greatly with the swelling. She was able to keep replacing them throughout the day, and the change in her leg was nothing short of astounding!!! I can’t recommend this Soak enough, as it has had such incredible results for both my son and my friend.

Ricar's Incredible Eczema Soak
These are the ingredients in the soak that healed Ricar’s hand.

Ricar’s Incredible Eczema Soak

Click here for video instructions.

Serving Size:
3 cups
30 minutes


  • 1 tsp Organic Dried Calendula Leaf
  • 1 tsp Organic Dried Plantain Leaf
  • 1 tsp Organic Dried Comfrey Leaf
  • 1 tsp Aveeno Soothing Bath Treatment


  1. Boil a kettle of water.
  2. Take a 4 cup liquid measuring cup and fill it to the 3 cup mark.
  3. Add 1 tsp of Calendula, 1 tsp of Plantain, and 1 tsp of Comfrey to the boiling water in the measuring cup. Cover with a dish cloth and allow to steep for 15 – 30 minutes.
  4. Strain into the container of your choice. Make sure there are no leaves left in the liquid.
  5. Add 1 tsp of Aveeno Soothing Bath Treatment.
  6. Mix well, until all the Aveeno Soothing Bath Treatment dissolves.
  7. Once cool, poor 1/4 cup or less into a bowl and allow a cloth to absorb all the liquid.
  8. Place the wet cloth onto the affected area for 20 minutes to half an hour. You can keep it on for as long as you like, and do this several times a day as needed. You can also use gauze pads to soak up the liquid, then place them in a freezer bag, and keep them in the freezer for future use. (The freezer method works well for insect stings and bites).
  9. The Soak can be stored for 10 days in a closed container in the fridge.

Treating his eczema at home:

We would start the morning by placing the cloth soaked in the solution on his hand for 20 minutes. After we took the cloth off, the redness was greatly reduced and the itchiness was gone. We would repeat the soak throughout the day if the itchiness returned. We would then spread Dimple Skins Bum Bum Balm or Boo Boo Goo over the area. Both were good to use even when the skin was broken. We also used Earth Mama Diaper Balm. These products are all made in Canada, and are completely natural.

We changed his hand soap to Baby Dove & Dove Sensitive Skin. Once the skin was healed from the open sores, we used Baby Dove Eczema Cream. The discovery of the Baby Dove Eczema Cream really helped in the final stages of getting rid of the remaining rash. We also washed all his bedding and clothes in Nellie’s Laundry Soda. After three months of treating his eczema at home naturally, this is how his hand looked.

Treating his eczema at home for 3 months.

After his Dermatologist appointment:

My son’s rash started in January, but we didn’t get to see the dermatologist until the end of August. By that time, as you probably have guessed, there was nothing there for him to treat. We kept the appointment so we would officially be patients, and could get in faster if the rash reoccurred. The main question the dermatologist asked was, “Antibiotics are never helpful in a situation like this. They didn’t think to take a swab?” The answer to that was no. We went to three different doctors, saw two different pharmacists, and none of them suggested swabbing it when it was at it’s worst. It was like pulling teeth just to get the dermatologist referral.

Here is what his hand looks like today:

Ricar's hand today.

In Conclusion:

Treating Eczema at home is very effective with the right tools. Ricar’s Incredible Eczema Soak changed everything for us, and it helps with reactions from bug bites and stings as well! The ingredients are easy to find at Nutters or any natural health store in your area or online. Once you have the main ingredients you can make this soak for years. We managed to heal his hands, and still have lots to spare.

This experience has taught us that running for over the counter medications are not always the answer. Having patience, careful hygiene habits, and the willingness to try natural healing options are often a better choice. If you have a Naturopathic practitioner in your area, give them a try; your body will thank you!

As a natural encourager, I live to help others!!! One-on-one coaching is a great way to start building your confidence, and improve your health! I help people with Fibromyalgia and chronic illness manage their symptoms with ease, so they never feel held back again! Click here for an application form and I would be happy to help you in your journey. You can also contact me at or check out my website: