Unlocking Creativity
Unlocking Creativity for me, has been like a champagne cork being shot across the room! I have always been a creative person, but my bout with depression shut down that creativity. The last 4 years have been a long journey in releasing my creativity from the bottle it was contained in. I’m not sure where in my brain it was locked up in, but unlocking it again feels like I’m entering a whole new world! Here are some steps you can take for unlocking creativity in your life!
- Find your inspiration: Explore Pinterest/FaceBook, Instagram or YouTube for inspiration.
- Let your creativity flow: Start Journaling on all your ideas and dreams, then make them happen.
- Take a class to develop your inspiration.
- Take courses on the things that are holding you back, ie: Marketing, Social Media platforms, Canva, Kindle Direct Publishing… etc
Finding Your Inspiration:
The first step to unlocking your creativity, is to discover what you want to do and what moves you. You may already know what it is you want to do. Whether it’s getting your book written and published, start up a new business, become a Scuba Diver working for National Geographic, or start over again in a new country, you can do it!!! If you don’t know exactly what to do, you can easily get inspiration from exploring social media platforms. Places like Pinterest, Facebook, Instagram, or YouTube will provide you will an endless array of possibilities!
YouTube in particular will provide hours of information from courageous people that have taken the road ahead of you. You simply need to watch and glean all the information you can from their experiences. Even if you question the information presented, it will give you a great platform to start your own research from. Always do your own homework, so you don’t get stuck in a position you weren’t expecting.
Let Your Creativity Flow:
Creativity lies in the belief that you can do anything, and that you have good ideas to build from. Being willing to write down all your ideas is essential to opening up your creative floodgates. This is also referred to as a brain dump: just writing down every idea you can come up with. The great thing is you can add to this list at any time. You can write them in a notebook, on your cell phone, or computer notes app. I would recommend having them on your cell phone, so you can add to them whenever inspiration strikes!
No idea is forbidden, unless it is illegal or would harm others. Don’t judge anything you are writing down. You may explore those ideas, or maybe you won’t, but at first this is just a free flow way of getting your creative juices going. It may take time to get started, so be gentle on yourself. The important thing is to just get started. Keep going for at least 5 minutes. Research shows that your mind will fight new things the hardest for the first 5 minutes. After that, your mind gives in and you’re off to the races.
This is most evident when you start exercising; your mind and body will argue with you intensely for the first 5 minutes. Then all of a sudden it gets easier, and the thoughts of why you can’t do it turn to, “Well, I’ve lasted this far I might as well finish.” Listening to music, going for a walk or a run can also be great ways to get ideas flowing.
Unlocking Creativity by Taking Classes:
Once you discover where your interests lie, you can uncork your creativity by taking classes on that subject. Your teachers can be a great source of inspiration, as well as a treasure trove of information for you. They will help you learn all the skills and techniques that will help you thrive in your pursuit. They can also lead you to resources that will help you grow and narrow down what you want to achieve.
You are also likely to meet like-minded people that will help you along the way. They may become great creative collaborators with you. Sometimes, a single idea can spark a waterfall of creativity to come splashing out. I can’t stress enough the importance of jumping into the flow once it starts. It’s so empowering to get so sucked into your work that the rest of the world falls away. When my creativity resurfaced, it was like being introduced to an old friend I hadn’t seen in a very long time.
Taking Courses:
Isn’t taking classes and courses the same thing? Not really. Taking classes allows you to grow your skills in the field you are interested in. Taking courses is about learning the tools you’ll need to allow your creativity to grow. For instance, when you write a book, you’ll eventually need to publish it. For me, the fear of the publishing process created a block for me to even finish the book! When I did finish the book, I procrastinated on the next step, which prevented me from getting it into the hands of the people who needed it.
Finally, I bit the bullet, jumped on YouTube, and typed in, “How to self-publish on Amazon.” The amount of videos that popped up from that search was stunning!!! After 30 minutes, I knew what I needed to do to get that book published! I went from one video to the next, and there are still a few more I want to watch. A bolder the size of Colorado was lifted off my shoulders, and I’m ready to go! I am so excited to announce that my first book Tips For Living With Fibromyalgia and Chronic Illness is scheduled to be released on Friday August 16th, 2024. I will link it once it’s available.
Another Example for Unlocking Creativity:
Another example is wanting to start a business, but not having any marketing background to do it. There are tons of great courses out there that will get you the information you need to move forward. Grant Cardone’s 10X program is incredible!!! I have learned so much from the online video courses, which I’ve been able to do at my pace, in the comfort of my own home. There were so many things in my business that I knew I needed to do, but wasn’t sure how to do them. I’m just half way through all the video seminars, but I’m raring to go with ideas on how to take the next steps. I can’t recommend them enough, as they have given me the confidence that I can do it too!!!
In Conclusion:
Unlocking creativity for me was the result of deciding to take the next step and doing it! Each time I proved that I was able to do something, however small, it gave me the courage to take the next step. It’s been a 4-year journey for me, so don’t think you have to do it overnight. The important thing is to decide to do it, and go for it. I had two concussions last summer, so sometimes my brain doesn’t want to be creative. On those days, I do something else. I give myself grace for how far I’ve come, and do something a little less taxing.
The great news, is that the more I challenge my mind to reconnect the damaged synapsis’ by learning new things, the stronger my brain gets. I didn’t think I’d ever get the creative part of my brain back, but I did. I did it by learning new things, and not letting myself get trapped by the thoughts that said I couldn’t. You can do this too! If you’d like help regaining your confidence, creativity, or health, please reach out to me and I will be happy to help you!!!
As a natural encourager, I live to help others!!! One-on-one coaching is a great way to start building your confidence, and improve your health! I help people with Fibromyalgia and chronic illness manage their symptoms with ease, so they never feel held back again! Click here for an application form and I would be happy to help you in your journey. You can also contact me at andrea@nopainallgain.ca or check out my website: www.nopainallgain.ca