What I’ve learned after of a year of business in the health and lifestyle coaching industry has been epic! I have broken through so many personal boundaries that were holding me back. Many of which I didn’t even know I had! I’m not where I wanted to be at this point, and yet I’ve grown so much more than I thought possible. This post has actually been a learning process in self compassion and patience, as it’s taken me over two weeks to complete! Here are some of my wins from the last year.
My wins!
- Designed a WordPress website and learned to manage it.
- Learned Canva
- Learned Adobe Premiere Pro
- Learned to do Reels
- Filmed, edited, and posted my FM Exercise Videos.
- Helped clients.
- Stopped caring what others think.
- Started a YouTube channel.
- Embraced my creative side.
- Became Victorious, Resilient, and Unstoppable.
What I’ve learned from creating a website?
My first client came before I had even created a website. I was blessed to have my mentor recommend me when all her spaces were filled. This definitely gave me the momentum I needed to create a website and go all in! Having a husband that’s an IT genius has been another huge blessing! It was my job to create the copy and make all the artistic decisions. He then created the website to my specifications and explained the basics of WordPress so I could manage it.
From then on I have been responsible for the upkeep of the website and the posting of new articles. It has been a major learning curve for sure, but so satisfying!
Learned Canva for creating Social Media Reels
If you don’t know what Canva is, it’s is a free online graphic design tool. It allows you to create digital posters, social media posts, presentations, videos, and more. Anything you may need for your advertising, you can create it on Canva. I was introduced to it through my virtual assistant work, but I have really mastered it through promoting my coaching business. I use it for creating social media reels and posts, and creating my soon to be released book Tips For Living With Fibromyalgia And Chronic Illness. Using Canva has really brought out my creative side. It’s so much fun checking out the different templates and modifying them to fit your needs. I highly recommend checking it out.
Learning how to create Social Media content has been very challenging. It really forced me out of my comfort zone, stretching my creative capacity and ability to not care what people think. I really had to lean into my new moto of “do it anyway”. It took me 12 months before I even started posting about having my coaching business on a personal Facebook Account! I created a business Instagram account, and Pinterest business account, and started posting there first. To my great surprise and relief, it has been my friends and family that have been the most supportive. I had held off completing the exercise videos because I was afraid of negative feedback. They have been out since December, and I haven’t had any negative comments at all!
Learning Adobe Premiere Pro for YouTube
I’m so blessed to have an IT genius for a husband! He recommended that I learn Adobe Premiere Pro so that I could edit my Exercise YouTube videos. Learning Adobe Premiere Pro is an ongoing process. I took the beginner and intermediate courses, but I still refer to YouTube videos to try and keep up with all the changes and all the things you can do with the software. As a result of making three levels of the exercise videos and posting them on YouTube, I was inspired to create more videos. This then morphed into something I hadn’t planned to do which was creating my own YouTube channel!
I had only planned to have a blog when I started my website; now I have a YouTube channel as well! After learning Adobe Premiere Pro it was evident that all the training would have been a waste if I never used it again. To be honest I’m having more fun with creating YouTube content then I am with the blog. Having the YouTube channel allows me the opportunity to expand even farther on the topics than I did in the blog. YouTube has definitely brought it’s own unique challenges as I’ve navigated the different levels of copyright, but overall it’s been a fun addition!
Filmed, edited, and posted my FM Exercise Videos
The biggest breakthrough of the year came through the process of filming, editing, and posting my FM Exercise videos. I am a trained actress, but I stopped acting in 2008 when I was pregnant with my first child. I would still sing at church, on stage, and played French Horn in a local concert band, but not act. My self esteem was never stellar, and once I got married and started a family I chose to put acting in my past. Getting in front of the camera again, when I wasn’t at the size I wished I was, was very challenging to say the least. I got over that road block by realizing that my FM Exercise routine could be beneficial to others. My mobility is so much improved when I am consistently doing this routine, and I wanted others to have that opportunity too.
Once it was filmed, it had to be edited. At first my husband was going to do it, but he was so busy with all his others jobs I decided to do it myself. With our limited resources, we set up a green screen in our basement to record it. With Adobe Premiere Pro I learned how to remove the green screen, edit out material we didn’t need both audio and visual, add text, music, headers, lower thirds, Intros and Outros. It took me almost 12 months from the time it was recorded to being posted. The reception of the videos have been positive, so It also taught me that my thoughts are just thoughts and not necessarily reality.
Helping clients
Helping clients is why I started Andrea Gamero Coaching and created a website. I love working with clients and helping them break through their road blocks. Seeing the light go on when they learn a new concept and start applying it in their lives is the best! Giving them tips and new ways to navigate life is what I was meant to do. Although my focus is on helping people with Fibromyalgia and Chronic Illness, I am happy to help anyone who is struggling to reach their potential.
I have been studying confidence and how to share it with others since 2020. Building your self confidence is something everyone can benefit from. Usually it’s just a few things that need adjusting and then everything starts flowing again. This past year has taught me how much I love coaching and helping to change people’s lives. When you are ready to take your life to the next level, contact me at nopainallgain.ca.
In Conclusion
Creating a website and starting Andrea Gamero Coaching has taught me that I am so much more capable than I thought I was. It helped me get used to seeing myself on screen and being ok with it. I now give myself three takes when filming a reel, and then I choose from those. Otherwise my perfectionism wouldn’t allow me to post anything! I’ve learned to show myself compassion and patience when I’m sick or injured. As I mentioned above, it has taken me 2 weeks to finish this post because of illness and migraines. We live in an area where the barometric pressures can cause horrible migraines; the kind where you can’t even think! I’m now more resilient because of this. When I can’t get something done on time I don’t quit or beat myself up, I just reschedule.
My power phrase for the year is Victorious, Resilient, and Unstoppable. I know I will be Victorious as long as I stay Resilient, and that will make me Unstoppable. Yes, I have my ups and downs in confidence and mood, but now I: give myself grace, don’t care what people think, ignore my limiting thoughts, and do it anyway! I’ve also learned to write down any ideas I get for posts or videos as soon as I get them. Having a list of topics already available is super helpful when I sit down to write. I know that great things are still to come, and I can’t wait to update you on what year 2 brings!
One-on-one coaching is a great way to start building your confidence, and improve your health! I help people with Fibromyalgia and chronic illness manage their symptoms with ease, so they never feel held back again! Click here for an application form and I would be happy to help you in your journey. You can also contact me at acgamero16@gmail.com or check out my website: www.nopainallgain.ca