When anxiety strikes it can be terrifying! The racing heart, trouble breathing, butterflies in my stomach, and desire to run away as quickly as possible can be debilitating. I allowed anxiety to keep me home and sheltered for far too long. By getting control of my mind, I’ve been able to manage my anxiety successfully for many years. Here are my tried and true tips that get my anxiety under control, before it controls me!
When Anxiety Strikes Tips:
- Breathe…
- So What?
- Have Power Phrases Ready.
- Journaling.
- Exercise.
That’s right, breathe – in through your nose for a count of 8, hold for 8, breathe out your mouth for 8. Repeat 3 times. Putting your one hand on your breast bone and one under your ribcage (diaphragm) can help you focus on your breath, but is not necessary (especially if you are driving). This will give your brain and body the vital oxygen they need for you to process the situation and make the right choices. It also gives you time to focus on something other than the situation at hand. This also calms your system, which will go a long way in processing your emotions and regaining control.
So What?
The next thing you need to do is figure out where the anxiety came from. “Why am I feeling this way?” is a great question to ask yourself in the moment the anxiety strikes. The first thought that comes to mind will be the one you need to answer. Once you know why, then ask yourself, “So what if that happens? Is it going to kill me?” When you think about it, the answer is almost always “No.” The next question to ask yourself is, “then we don’t need to worry about it do we?” This process doesn’t take very long, usually less than a minute, but take as long as you need.
This simple back and forth stops my anxiety from spiralling almost immediately. In the beginning it took more time to process, but now a simple, “So What?” breaks the anxiety spiral. Then I can jump to my prepared affirmations and power statements to get my mind back on a more positive track. The conscious breathing sometimes needs to continue for awhile to fully release the adrenaline that my body has produced, but I’m no longer in panic mode.
Have Power Phrases Ready
If you are not familiar with Power Phrases or Affirmations, they are positive thoughts that you have created ahead of time for situations like this. Most of the time, our anxiety is caused by the same or similar things. Every time you experience anxiety, take the time to think about why it was caused and a better way to think about it. Those can become your affirmations or power phrases that you can use next time. Here are some examples:
- So What? If it’s not going to kill me, I don’t need to worry about it.”
- I don’t think like this anymore, I’m in control.
- I may not like this situation, but I will survive.
- I am stronger than anyone can possibly imagine.
- I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Philippians 4:13
- What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us? Romans 8:31
- This is just an emotion, and it will pass. I’ve conquered this before, and I will do it again.
When anxiety strikes, have those power phrases ready to go. Write them in the notes app on your phone, have them in the sun screen above your windshield in your car. Repeat them to yourself as you would to a scared child that you love. Do it as many times you need. Write them out, speak them out loud, or in your head, they are all equally effective. You will find that over time, they will jump to mind as quickly as the anxious thought appears. Soon that anxious thought will give up, because it no longer has power over you.
Whether you are used to journaling or not, it is a very powerful way to combat anxiety. This allows you to dump all the thoughts in your brain onto paper, and then analyze them to see if they are true. Once you decide it’s not true, you can dump it completely. Believe me, crossing it out on the page feels awesome!!! Even if it feels true, neutralize it and find a more positive way to look at it. For example:
- “I hate feeling like this!”
- “I don’t like feeling like this, but it’s just an emotion and it will pass.”
- “I know this feeling, and it no longer has any power over me – I am awesome!”
Just because it may be true, it doesn’t mean it’s a helpful thought for you to move forward. By creating a thought that empowers you to move on, you are making huge strides in controlling your anxiety and even depression. That’s the key to power phrases – they empower you. Anxiety is so powerful because it makes us feel out of control, and none of us likes that! So take back control and decide to put your anxiety in the back seat where it belongs.
Exercise is a very powerful way to process your anxiety, as it allows you to think through what’s bothering you. It also gets your body moving, releasing the feel good endorphins that make us feel good. Exercise also takes us out of the environment that is causing the issues, while giving our bodies a way to release the pent up emotions effecting us.
This works for anger as well! Going for a run, dancing, riding your bike, rollerblading, ice skating, playing soccer, basketball, or throwing a football around can be equally successful for blasting away your anxiety. Doing something will always make you feel better, even if it doesn’t directly deal with the anxious thought itself. There is something about showing yourself what you are capable of that helps you get through the next block in the road.
In Conclusion
You can get control of your anxiety when you have the tools to do it. I encourage you to try the 5 steps I use to control my anxiety when anxiety strikes you. You may find that some work better than others, and I’d love to hear how they work for you. Reach out to me at andrea@nopaoinallgain and let me know!
As a natural encourager, I live to help others!!! One-on-one coaching is a great way to start building your confidence, and improve your health! I help people with Fibromyalgia and chronic illness manage their symptoms with ease, so they never feel held back again! Click here for an application form and I would be happy to help you in your journey. You can also contact me at andrea@nopainallgain.ca or check out my website: www.nopainallgain.ca