You are not your feelings!
You are not your feelings! That is the message I seem to be getting from all sides. I recently watched a Youtube post from Allie Beth Stuckey Ep 904, and I was amazed to hear that message again. This message is very counter to culture today, but the fact of the matter is we are not our feelings. We are so much more than that.
Who are we?
We are children of God, His special creations. No matter what emotions we may be feeling, or thoughts we are having, that will never change. It’s time for us to stop playing victim and take back the control we have of our minds and lives. God created us with incredible brains and cognitive powers. We need to stop believing the victim narrative that the media is pushing on us. We were meant for more than just being slaves to our feelings and emotions.
How do we embrace who we are?
We need to embrace the fact that feelings and emotions will pass. They are simply attached to the thoughts we are thinking. We can change how we are feeling by changing our thoughts. Don’t believe me? Watch these two videos: Happy by Pharrell Williams and Somewhere Over The Rainbow. It’s hard not to get up and dance with the first one. Somewhere Over The Rainbow is a beautiful song, but the sadness of her situation always effects me. I become nostalgic, and start thinking about all the dreams I’ve had, friends and family that are gone. Before I know it I’m wallowing in sadness.
Just because listening to this song makes me sad and nostalgic for the past, it doesn’t make me pathetic or a loser. It shows me that I am compassionate, and someone with a high Emotional IQ. The reason I can connect with people so deeply, is because of my compassion and deep range of emotions. I can easily relate to whatever someone is thinking or feeling, because I have been there too. I also know that with a different piece of music and happier thoughts, I can bring myself out of these feelings.
Understanding how to change our feelings.
How do we change our feelings? We decide to do it. No matter what current culture is trying to tell you, you don’t have to be or do something you know deep down is wrong. You can decide not to feel that way. I may want to stay in bed all day and never leave my room, but I know that’s a waste of the talent God gave me. It wouldn’t serve my family, my friends, or what God put me on this planet to do. So, despite what I want to do, or feel like doing, I get up anyway.
I get up and do what needs to be done. When I decided to marry and have children, I decided to live for someone other than myself. When I chose to become a Christian, I chose to follow Jesus, and that requires living for Him. This means I don’t get to follow my selfish desires, I do what is best for my family. We all have the ability to chose how we respond to the world around us. You change your feelings by deciding to change your thoughts.
Your feelings will pass.
Believe it or not, your feelings will pass. Your feelings are fluid, you are not. When your worth is anchored in Jesus, that is all you need. You are God’s masterpiece and you are perfect just the way God made you. God doesn’t make mistakes. He made you the way you are to benefit the world. Just because you feel a certain way one day, doesn’t mean you are that thing. Simply choose a different thought: watch your favourite show, listen to music, read a book, go for a walk. You’re feelings will change. Decide to be who God wants you to be, and He will guide you on the right paths.
In Conclusion:
You are not your feelings. As much as I want to be the Queen of England, I never will be. That is not the role God had planned for my life. I could wallow in the fact I’ll never be the Queen, or I can be the person God created me to be. You can make that choice too. The only one that makes you a victim is you. Why would you want to give all your power away to be a victim? Reclaim your power and let your light shine; that is what has God wanted for you all along!!!
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